Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! Wowsers this was a mighty close one! I thought we were gonna have a tie, but by one vote, the winner of 100 super lovely christmas cards from indie printing is...
AAHHH! You guys, so many awesome, creative, adorable, original and even weird submissions... and for a person who struggles a great deal with indecision, it was a real challenge narrowing it down to five. Indeed I was overcome with stress, therefore I called upon my much more decisive companion, Dave Ray CPA to help me do the heartless task of not choosing everyone. And the funny thing is, we still couldn't cut it down to five, so we chose ten, yes ten diverse and creative designs.
Please know I want you all to win 100 free beautiful prints on amazing card stock of your Christmas Card from Indie Printing... but in life we don't always win... and it's, okay I guess. Unless you had fun, well then, you know... You totally won :)
Thank you to each and every one of you for participating and sending in your cute cards. Being creative is wonderful, I appreciate you for sharing your art with me, I enjoyed this.
Here's the scoop, Voting will go like this:
- simply leave a comment below with your vote for one of the following designs, designated by number
- you may only vote once, and for just one design. I know, I'm a hypocrite, I chose 10.
- Feel free to spread the word to your friends, fams and followers to come and vote for ya!
- KINDESS! Please keep all commentary respectful! These folks took a risk in sharing their creative ideas, if you don't dig someones design, or disagree with another commenter, keep those feelins to yourself or write them down on a post it. Please, Be nice, this is fun.
- I will tally up votes on Wednesday night at midnight and announce the winner Thursday morning in time to go to the printer!