Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Nope, it's not a wig, and I definitely didn't chop it... it's a Faux-Bob! With some hot rollers, good ol' fashion beauty school back-combing and tricky bobby-pinnage I was able to fake a short fun-do for the day. Totally works in those moments when you're getting bored with your long locks, you're hankering for a change and you're battling the serious urge to grab the scissors and get yourself a Fo-real bob. You can Resist! Who says you can't have the best of both worlds? 

I've got A Faux Bob how-to on the way, stay tuned!

PS- I always said that it would be awesome to possess a super power where you had the power to make your hair long or short whenever you wanted. Yeah I know, how super lame that of all the super powers I could have, it would be that. But... ya know, now that I've found the faux bob, I kinda do have that super power... YES! I guess now we can move onto more substantial super powers you think?

PSS- Are you on Instagram!? I am...  RealBrookeWhite


  1. How funny, I just saw this on Instagram a few mins ago & left a comment. I can't wait for your tutorial! You are such a dork for wanting that super power ;) I love it.

  2. Très chic, mon amie!

    That would be an amazing superpower to have. You can go long and curly one day, short and wavy the next, experiment with different hair colours too.. the possibilities are endless. Best of all, no having to wait weeks for your locks to grow back!

  3. Holy crap, adorable!!!! I love you with short hair, just for the record (like those amazing wedding photos), but I think I'd cry a little if you really did chop your long hair off. It's just so pretty! :)

  4. Very fun and it look adorable on you...can't wait to see how you did it!

    LIesl :)

  5. love the do! you never cease to pull off a new and different look- i've yet to see something that looks bad on you!

  6. Love the hair!
    Totally thought you had really cut it off.
    Great job.

  7. So pretty Brooke! We need to make those hair videos next time I see you.

  8. so stinkin' cute on you!

  9. It looks so cute like that!! :)

  10. Hi!
    Your faux bob looks great! I'm on my way to see my hairdresser with your picture.
    !Love the makeup:)
