The sun is starting to fade around 6pm and with each passing day, it gets darker earlier and earlier.
It's Falling... The days are still warm, but it won't be long till we are turning on the heat.
Wow was that fast or what? I am trying to let go of Summer, of these days at the beach with London running into waves with big little laughs and not a smidge of fear. Watching her grow was the highlight of my summer. We walked, talked, read stories and spent a little time at home for a change. These were the days, days that feel like they go on forever... and warm evenings without sweaters or coats. I loved my summer Artist way group, enjoyed the visitors that came to stay on vacation, and I couldn't get enough of wearing my mumu, Dave however, could. I am a summer girl, and I always will be.
We went for a family walk this morning and the air was crisp, and I thought to myself "well, this is pretty nice". I know it will get colder and these early mornings have been dark making it just a little bit trickier to pull ourselves out of bed. But October is really the magic month of the season. I know everyone loves fall, with it's boots and apples, (y'all, I've become apple crazy, writing a post on that)and pumpkins and Halloween. I am going to fall into it all, I even put out my scarecrows.
Goodbye Summer, until next time, thanks for everything, you were the best.