Today I went to one of my favorite places... a magical place... the car wash. I love the car wash... why? Because while my car gets a bath, I get to sit in the warm California sunshine on an old chipped yellow bench while eating a delicious strawberry shortcake ice cream bar and listen to the oldies radio station playing over the loud speaker. It's the little things in life :)
what are your "little things"?

PS - I can't believe it, Jack Bauer got caught, got shot and ran out of bullets!?
Going to the cinema with my mom to catch the next great Jackie Chan flick. :)
ReplyDeleteI <3 Jack Bauer.
ReplyDeleteMy little things baby girl's laugh and coming home and being greeted by my 2 doggies. These little things always make even a bad day feel not so bad.
ReplyDeleteRiding my bike like a little girl again-dress, barefoot, holding a popsicle just bought from the ice-cream (ding-ding) man :)
ReplyDeletecalifornia sunshine really is wonderful... but maybe i'm partial since i live here. ;)
ReplyDeleteplaying my guitar (poorly! haha) with friends
ReplyDeletewatching my 8 year old sister play soccer and know that she will one day be WAY better than I am! :D
ReplyDeleteLittle things:
ReplyDeleteHanging out with friends. This is possibly our last summer together so enjoying it while I can!